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Logo de Fogafín con seis puntos azules y tres puntos verdes formando una F y logo con la palabra Hacienda, la bandera y el escudo de armas de Colombia

Welcome to Fogafín

Insured products Insured products

Insured products


What products are protected by Fogafín Deposit Insurance

  • Savings accounts
  • Current accounts
  • Term deposits (CDT)
  • Special savings accounts
  • Electronic deposits
  • Mortgage bonds
  • Special deposits
  • Bank collection services
  • Ordinary deposits

What products are NOT protected by the Fogafín Deposit Insurance?

  • Trust products
  • Insurances
  • Ordinary bonds
  • Mandatorily convertible bonds (BOCEAS)
  • Optionally convertible bonds (BOCAS)
  • Products offered by entities not registered with Fogafín

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